January 14, 2013


Good morning.  It's Monday, the 14th day of January, 2013.  I'm sitting at the computer listening to Ian Tyson, Guy Clark and Joan Baez take turns singing while I attempt to come up with something that comes close to making sense for this Blog.

It certainly has been an interesting process putting this and the ETSY shop together.  Stop in at:  WWW.GhostWindCreations.etsy.com    and check things out at the Shop.  I'm just beginning to put up some listings and I would like the feedback.  I need to set up a photo shoot in order to get better pics for listings. So check back for new images.  I'm feeling a bit anxious because I've been talking for a couple years now about using my art to supplement retirement and, low and behold, it is now time to deal with the proverbial pot. So don't expect much.  I'm building as I go and any ideas would be appreciated.  If I don't do something now it will remain nothing but a topic of conversation.  I'm serious about it all but it needs to be fun too.  I've spent too many years doing too many things that didn't allow much time for fun.  I like to think that both the Blog and the Shop will have fun designed into them.  That is when I get over being terrified of the totally new way of creating money to fuel our main form of barter.  That is when I list something and you buy it and barter money for it and I turn around and barter it for materials to create more, and for house payment, elec, heat, food and . . . etc. All so I can create more art that you can't live without -- so you buy it and then I . . .  you get the deal.

Anyway, lets have a good time.  I hope you enjoy.

Take care and as always -- be careful out there!


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